Seduction City Playlist

Thursday, December 16, 2010

Your mission, should you choose to accept it...

I was just listening to the Seduction City stream, as I'm wont to do occasionally, and realized that Garbage's World Is Not Enough (chillout version) cuts off about two-thirds of the way through the song. Why didn't anybody tell me?! It's been running that way for over a week, fer crissake.

I love you guys, my listeners. It pains me to think that you were listening to only 2:43 of a song that is 4:06. So because I'm such a magnanimous dude, I'm restoring the missing 1:23 of the song---ABSOLUTELY FREE!

Seriously, if you guys hear anything wrong with the stream...please e-mail me or send a shout-out. I want to make this your absolute favorite station ever! And to do that, I need to be giving you 100% of the songs you love, not 66%. That's a bitch move.

Forever yours,

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